Thursday, June 16, 2011

Three Things Thursday

I'm back with a functional laptop, admin privileges and all!!  Since I missed Triple Tangent Tuesday, I can just change that into Three Things Thursday, right?  Right. 

1) I am PMSing today and throughout the day my eats have gradually gotten worse and worse.  Breakfast was my usual yogurt mess.. not bad.  Lunch was a Jimmy Johns sub and chips.. not great, but still not too bad.  Dinner on the other hand, well, it was what I wanted at least.

Chips and guac, and a medium DQ blizzard.  I usually get a small when I get a blizzard but I thought I might save half for tomorrow.  Fail.  That would be an empty container.  Oops.  Oh, and there was also an unpictured plate of pasta consumed.  The food baby is definitely going on right now!

2)  I mentioned in my last post that I don't own a computer.  Horrors, right?  My job gives me a laptop, so I use that for blogging, YouTubing, and all the other important things that I do in my free time.  But now that I will no longer be at this job in August I need to buy my own laptop.  As much as I don't want to spend a ton of money, I'm leaning towards a Mac Book.  It will last longer, and after that virus that I just dealt with on my work laptop, it sounds pretty nice to know that Mac's don't tend to get viruses.  If anyone has an opinion about this, let me know!  I'm still considering a PC.. basically, I have no idea what I want yet :)


3)  I have really been getting into makeup over the past couple of years, and I just realized a few months ago that you can learn how to do makeup by watching YouTube videos.  I know, I'm sure I'm the last to figure this one out but I've subscribed to a few channels and love getting new tips and tricks from them.  This one is my favorite..  She is super talented and breaks things down into easy steps to accomplish a look.  She wears a LOT more makeup than I do, but I think that's a good thing in case I ever get into foundations and stuff like that.  If you want tips on products, makeup, haircare, etc.. I highly suggest checking her out.  Plus she has this super cute English accent and you instantly want to be best friends :)

Well there you have it.  3 totally random things you probably wish you didn't know about me.  Have a great night everyone, tomorrow is FRIDAY!!