Hey peeps! I hope you all are having a good week. I didn't post last night because well, I wasn't in the mood. I didn't open my laptop or phone all night actually. I was going to go to the gym for a second workout of the day and decided about midway through the afternoon that all I really wanted was some unplugged relaxing time. So that's exactly what I did and it was fabulous. The reason for this laziness...
Carbs for lunch. So delicious, but so make me lazy for the rest of the day. Note to self: Save the pasta for dinner. Sleeping at the desk at work is not as acceptable as sleeping at home in bed. It was delicious though, and since I had been to the gym in the morning for bodypump, I wasn't too guilty about skipping the cardio session after work.
Random picture of Jenny at lunch. I'm sure she will appreciate this :) Go check out her barefoot running experience, this girl is a badass!
Dinner last night was simple.. reheated homemade pizza that I reheated for a little too long. It's ok though, I like burnt cheese :)
Like I said, last night was perfect. My mood was great and everything was going well.. till this morning. I got to work and pulled into a parking space and suddenly could not put my car in park. It would NOT go. I called my boss and asked him to have one of the managers come out and help. (He is a previous mechanic.) First thing he said.. "Rachel, you can put the e-brake on and get out of the car now.. you don't have to keep your foot on the brake." Oh yeah. Duh. He checked it out and didn't know what to think. I called the tow truck to come get it and nearly $300 later, the car will park again. LAME day. Although I was panicked all day long that it was going to cost like a grand and I would need a new transmission and all kinds of crazy things, so I am thankful that even though I didn't want to spend that on my car, at least I was able to pay it. I came home and drowned my sorrows in these:
Bang bang shrimp followed by sliced banana and strawberries covered in nutella and whipped cream. I promise, I will be back on the healthy eating wagon soon but I was not in a salad mood after the car nonsense. I'm currently in a nutella coma and feelin' fabulous.
After all these decadent eats, I definitely need to be hitting up the gym in the AM, so it's off to bed for me now. Gotta make that 6am 'pump class! Tomorrow is my Friday as I am headed to the beach for the weekend with some of my best girls.. can't wait!!
Nothing wrong with a little nutella in your life!
Thanks for the awesome picture of me ;-)
That dessert looks yummy, but healthy all at the same time. I might have to have that instead of the chocolate cupcakes sitting in my kitchen.
Vanessa: Nothing at ALL!! :)
Jenny: You're welcome :)
Michelle: It's DELICIOUS. It's even better if you freeze the banana and throw it in the food processor so it blends up like frozen yogurt.
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